Page 1488 – Christianity Today (2024)


Gordon MacDonald

What does it take to turn greed into generosity?

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In this series: Preaching about Money

Perhaps the most visible part of pastoring is the upfront teaching and preaching. Bringing a timely and truthful message demands preparation, knowing Scripture, knowing the audience, and knowing how to connect the one with the other. The articles in this Common Challenge offer in-depth, time-tested advice for addressing the consistent difficulties associated with preaching Gods Word to Gods people.

Page 1488 – Christianity Today (2)

Transforming Scrooge

Gordon MacDonald

Putting It on the Line

Joseph M. Stowell

During the last Christmas season I reacquainted myself with Charles Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge, one of the nastiest, mean-spirited old men in English literature. He’s found, of course, in A Christmas Carol (published 1843), Dickens’ short novel about a man addicted to money and in drastic need of a powerful intervention.

It’s clear at the beginning of A Christmas Carol that Scrooge’s monetary addiction had paralyzed him spiritually. There was no love, no feeling in him. He was miserly to the core.

The story covers barely 24 hours of Ebenezer Scrooge’s life. But that was all the time needed for this reclusive curmudgeon to become spiritually transformed into a man of unbridled, enthusiastic generosity. How that happened and what the new Scrooge looked like is instructive for us all.

“Marley (Scrooge’s onetime business partner) was dead: to begin with,” Dickens wrote on the first page of A Christmas Carol. But his being dead (“as a door nail”) didn’t deter Jacob Marley from visiting Scrooge as a terrifying apparition one Christmas Eve. His purpose? To warn Scrooge that he was about to be visited by three terrible messengers—ghosts, in fact—who would present a vision of his pathetic life: past, present, and future.

Just as Marley predicted, the ghosts soon descend upon Scrooge, and he finds himself rehearsing his long-ago tragic youth, his present-day insensitivities to human need, and his gloomy future when people would scorn his name.

What Scrooge experienced that night sounds like what alcoholics call an intervention. And the result?

A grumpy old man defined by greed awoke the next morning driven by generosity. It’s crazy, but you actually find yourself liking the new Scrooge, wanting to know him better, wishing you could be more like him.

Scrooge in The Church?

As I ponder Ebenezer Scrooge’s story for the umpteenth time, I find myself nursing this question: What if the old Scrooge attended one of the churches I pastored? Would I have played a part in his spiritual migration from greed to generosity?

Frankly, my question bothered me.

I realized that the answer depended upon when, during my forty-plus years of church leadership, Scrooge might have shown up. Had it been in my younger years, I wouldn’t have offered him much. In my later years? Maybe …

That’s because there was some changing I had to experience before I might have something of value to offer him.

I began my church leadership years ashamed of money, reluctant to discuss giving. I felt embarrassed that the subject ever had to be mentioned. My excitement was for preaching, caring for people, helping new Christ-followers grow in their faith.

But there was a hole in my ministry preparation. No one had convinced me that a giving spirit was part of the mature Christ-following life.

For me, the offering plate had only one purpose: to pay the church’s expenses and to meet our “obligations” to the church’s missionary interests. That shouldn’t be too difficult. So, I came to assume, the less said about giving, the better.

Perhaps that’s why my first church grew a bit in numbers but declined in its giving. Some in the congregation probably reasoned that since there were more people coming through the door, giving must be increasing and they could back off.

Others may have thought, Why should we take giving seriously if the pastor doesn’t? He rarely thanks us for our gifts. He doesn’t speak about what our giving achieves. He seems to believe that giving is optional in the Christian life, a nice thing to do when one is in the mood.

In my second year in that pastorate, we had to downsize the church’s budget and cut a few programs because, while we were a happy congregation, our giving was declining.

“You need to talk more about the importance of giving,” the elders began to say.

I resisted. “I don’t want to offend anybody. Maybe after some of the newcomers have been around for a while, we can talk to them about it.”

I see clearly what was going on … now.

If I, the pastor, regarded giving as merely an institutional obligation, why would anyone (an Ebenezer Scrooge, for example) ever gladly, cheerfully, give more than a few bucks at offering time?

I had some transforming to do first.

My Own Transformation

For me that transformational process—admittedly a slow one—began when my wife, Gail, and I made a missions trip to West Africa. On the first Sunday of our visit, we joined a large crowd of desperately poor Christians for worship. As we neared the church, I noticed that almost every person was carrying something. Some hoisted cages of noisy chickens, others carried baskets of yams, and still others toted bags of eggs or bowls of cassava paste.

“Why are they bringing all that stuff?” I asked one of our hosts.

“Watch!” she said.

Almost every person in that African congregation brought something: a chicken, a basket of yams, a bowl of cassava paste. I saw that giving, whether yams or dollars, is not optional for Christ followers.

Soon after the worship began, the moment came when everyone stood and poured into the aisles, singing, clapping, even shouting. The people began moving forward, each in turn bringing whatever he had brought to a space in the front. Then I got it. This was West African offering time.

The chickens would help others get a tiny farm business started. The yams and the eggs given could be sold in the marketplace to help the needy. The cassava paste would guarantee that someone who was hungry could eat.

I was captivated. I’d never seen a joyful offering before. Obviously, my keep-money-under-the-radar policy would not have worked in that West African church.

I wondered what old Scrooge would have thought had he joined Gail and me in that West African church service. Would he have cursed such “foolishness”? Or would he have been, like me, profoundly moved?

When Gail and I returned home, I took a small step in the direction of generosity. Those African believers, although they never knew it, had moved me. I began to understand that giving—whether yams or dollars—was not an option for Christ-followers. Rather it was an indication of the direction and the tenor of one’s whole life.

But here was the first baby step. From now on, I said to our elders, we’re going to offer the people weekly reports about our giving. And we’re going to tell them thank you.

And so it was that we devised a painless, cautious, inoffensive way to publish the weekly giving performance of our congregation. Soon everyone in the church knew if we were behind in our financial obligations or ahead. I guess I believed that the people would study the numbers and be motivated to do better in their giving.

Maybe even Scrooge, if he was out there in the back row, would get the message and write a check or two. Maybe!

Oh, and I did begin to find ways to say thank you. Some people noticed and thanked me back.

I hoped good reporting would motivate people to give. But could it turn people into the hilarious givers Paul once mentioned? Could financial disclosure and occasional thanks transform a miserly Scrooge?

In a word, I was naïve.

Actually, some people appreciated our reporting initiative. Others thought it distasteful. Oh, and I don’t want to forget that there were a few who thought we should do away with the offering altogether.

“Put a collection box at the back,” they said. “Let people give anonymously, silently. We don’t want to put anyone on the spot.”

Come to think of it, I doubt that the West Africans we visited would have been impressed with any of this. Reports are nice, they might have said. But we want results, blessings for both the giver and the receiver.

Up Front and Direct

Some time later the financial realities of church life pushed me further. Why don’t we stop being ashamed of money (well, duh!) and promote giving aggressively? I know! We’ll call it a stewardship program!

Soon I became convinced that all we needed was a seasonal emphasis that would convert Scrooge and people like him into faithfully giving people. So one night at an all-church banquet (chicken, scalloped potatoes, and pie), we rolled out this new idea that we called “every-member giving.”

I made these commitments to the congregation:

• I’d preach four quarterly stewardship sermons during the year (the finance committee loved this);

• We would have an annual FR (fund-raising) banquet with a special motivational speaker;

• We would get people to make annual pledges toward an ambitious giving goal;

• As often as possible we would have someone who had given money and experienced a personal blessing as a result tell their story on Sunday morning.

May I be honest? I came to dread those stewardship sermons. Perhaps it was my imagination, but it seemed as if every time I preached one, someone I’d been trying to attract to our church would surprise me and show up. So I often sounded apologetic when I began to preach.

In preparing those sermons, I found myself scanning the Bible trying to find any passage of Scripture that could justify my cajoling the congregation (that’s what it felt like) to be more ambitious in their giving.

Now some of the faithful givers in the church actually loved these sermons. It was their chance to feel good about their monetary disciplines.

“Great sermon, pastor,” they’d say. “Our people really needed to hear that.” Sometimes they must have detected my reluctance because they’d add, “Don’t apologize; be bold. We need to know where you stand on this.”

My passage of choice was Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians where he compared the pitiable giving of the Corinthians to the bountiful giving of the Thessalonians. I enjoyed reminding our people that the Thessalonians were poor and the Corinthians relatively rich. Yet it was the Corinthians who were stingy while the Thessalonians were open-handed. I hoped they saw themselves in the comparison.

I wish I could say that my preaching did the trick: that our congregation began to emulate those West Africans. Yes, our giving numbers did climb some, but when I compared the joy I’d seen in West Africa to the level of joy in our congregation, I admit to discouragement.

Looking back I now realize our stewardship program rested on the weaker powers of obligation and persuasion. Our vision was substandard. I wasn’t seeking the maturity of giving Christ-followers. I just wanted to make sure that our church would finish the year “in the black.”

This is hardly a worthy dream that would open the heart of an Ebenezer Scrooge.

Glimmers of Faith

Then I took a further step forward in my personal journey toward giving as something more than simply meeting giving-goals. I came to see and began to teach that giving was not optional for Christ-followers but an evidence of genuine, grown-up faith.

I pointed out that God’s very nature was a giving one, and I tried to show our people that God was actually giving in the creation-story, giving in sending to us his Son, giving in receiving us into his new redemptive community, and giving in providing us a blessed hope. As God is a Giver in these ways, I said, he invites us to emulate him in our own patterns of giving.

I now see our stewardship program rested on the weaker powers of obligation and persuasion. Our vision was substandard.

This was the beginning of my own formation of a theology of giving. I became increasingly serious about what I was learning. More and more I embedded the notion of giving into all my sermons.

“I do not believe one can tell how much we ought to give,” I quoted C.S. Lewis as saying. “I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare. In other words, if our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusem*nts, etc., is up to the standard common among those with the same income as our own, we are probably giving away too little. If our charities do not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say they are too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and cannot do because our charitable expenditure excludes them.”

I now loved preaching on the widow who went to her food barrel each day and found it to be inexhaustible because she had faith in the prophet’s God.

I spoke of the little boy with his minuscule lunch that Jesus multiplied for thousands.

I championed Mary and her box of expensive perfume that she poured out in honor of Jesus. All these were reminders, stories of great faith.

“If you give,” I told our people, “God will honor your faith in ways you cannot imagine.”

Now if you struggle to see a difference between promoting giving and teaching giving, I can only say that the first made me into a pleader, a fund-raiser. The second provided the chance simply to let the Bible speak for itself. Now I heard myself saying, “Do you actually call yourself a biblical person? Then you have to deal with the giving component of scriptural truth.”

The new core of my teaching: Giving is not an option for the biblical person. Giving is an evidence that one has heard the Scriptures speak and has opted to obey its economic imperative to be a faithful, systematic giver of one’s money.

So if Scrooge had been there during those years of my pastoral life, it’s possible—possible, mind you!—that he would have pondered this new theme in my Bible teaching and committed to becoming a regular giver.

Regular, I say, because he probably would have garnered the opinion that if he became a 10 percenter in his giving, he’d satisfy both God and me. Get us both off his back, if you understand what I’m saying.

And you know, that would not have been a problem for anyone who lived in a Scrooge-level income bracket. Hey! What’s 10 percent to someone like Ebenezer Scrooge?

A Step Beyond Regular Giving

But what if there was a further step to take? What if one were to move from the status of a “regular giver” to one who might be called a “generous giver”? What would that mean?

Onesiphorus, an obscure New Testament Christian became my inspiration: “He often refreshed me,” St. Paul writes, “and was not ashamed of my chains. On the contrary, when he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me …. You know well in how many ways he helped me in Ephesus” (2 Tim. 1:16).

Onesiphorus prompted me to see that generous giving is more than money. It is certainly that, but much more. Generous giving is whole-person giving. I tried defining what I was discovering: Generous giving involves a transfer of “wealth” from one person to another in a spirit of love, sacrifice, and gladness. The “wealth” may take the form of service, money, or one’s personal, caring presence.

Here is how Eusebius of Caesarea (263-339) put legs on that definition: “For the Christians were the only people who amidst such terrible ills showed their fellow feeling and humanity by their actions. Day by day some would busy themselves with attending the dead and burying them …. Others gathered in one spot all who were afflicted by hunger throughout the whole city, and gave bread to all. When this became known, people glorified the Christian God and, convinced by the very facts, confessed that the Christians alone were truly pious and religious.”

If you study Eusebius’s words carefully, you’ll see that people were busy doing loving things. They were doing them sacrificially, and they were doing them with gladness. And, Eusebius adds, people “convinced by the very facts … glorified the Christian God.” You know what? Generous giving apparently had an evangelistic result.

“Generous giving” is a way of life. It is a prelude to a new kind of evangelism. It is the Christ-follower in any generation venturing from his/her home each morning asking, “How can I add value to every personal transaction this day?” Giving through my words, through my prayers, through my service, and yes, through the use of my money.

Sure, our congregation needed reports and programs and teaching. But more than anything, they needed to see generous giving as a way of life for Christians. They needed to see it modeled by the pastor, by the leadership, by veteran Christ-followers. They needed to see an entire church ministry characterized by the spirit and the action of generous giving.

And this became the transformation that I needed first so that I could pass it on to anyone who lived with the spirit of the original Ebenezer Scrooge.

God Bless Us, Every One

When Ebenezer Scrooge awakened from his horrific dreams on Christmas Day, there was something fresh and new about him. Call it the spirit of a generous giver.

Dickens writes: “[Scrooge] went to church, and walked about the streets, and watched the people hurrying to and fro, and patted children on the head, and questioned beggars, and looked down into the kitchens of houses, and up to the windows: and found that everything could yield him pleasure. He had never dreamed that any walk—that anything—could give him so much happiness. In the afternoon he turned his steps towards his nephew’s house.”

Sound like a changed man to you?

Scrooge went on to order the largest turkey in the market sent to the home of Bob Cratchit, his company clerk whom he previously treated so badly. And this he did anonymously. Then Scrooge gave a monetary gift, a huge gift, to the local charity for the poor. That done, he headed to his nephew’s home where he joined the family to celebrate the great holy day.

I see anonymous giving, mega-giving, personal-presence giving, and that sure looks like generous giving to me.

But wait! There’s more. Dickens ends A Christmas Carol like this:

“Scrooge … did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim [the young Cratchit child], he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew. Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.”

If Scrooge remained something of addict, the addiction was no longer money; it was giving, generous giving.

Gordon MacDonald is editor at large of Leadership Journal and chancellor of Denver Seminary.

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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Amie Streater

There are lots of great ministries out there, but giving to the local church is still essential.

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I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a city some jokingly call the "Evangelical Vatican" because of the large number of churches and ministries in the area. Hundreds of the members in my church either work at or have close ties to Focus on the Family, The Navigators, Compassion International, International Bible Society (now Biblica), Andrew Womack Ministries, Youth With a Mission, and dozens of other great parachurch organizations. It seems you can't toss an offering envelope in this town without hitting a 501c(3) ministry.

I love these organizations. They do so much to spread the gospel and help the poor. Yet as the financial stewardship pastor at my church, the presence of many Christian organizations asking for donations makes my job more challenging. With so many excellent causes to give to, why should people give to our church?

I'm not the only one dealing with this challenge. The truth is no matter where you live, there's no shortage of opportunities for Christians to give. Never have there been more charities and ministries spreading the gospel, feeding hungry children, digging wells, and providing medical services. Then there's the local food pantry that always needs stocking, disaster-relief agencies asking for help, not to mention that someone is always pitching a sad story on Facebook, capped of course with a plea for everyone to help out "just a little." Throw in a weak job market and tight budgets and it's easy to understand why people get giving fatigue.

This makes presenting the case for giving to the church all the more important. Below I've outlined some of the reasons I give people for why they should give to the local church. As you'll see, I believe giving to the church isn't merely one good option among many. Rather, it's imperative for every Christian.

The church is a connection point for Christian living.

The employees, volunteers, and supporters of the Christian organizations in our city have one thing in common: they all go to church somewhere.

In our congregation, we feed them spiritually on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. We also serve as the hub for their small groups, fellowship opportunities, children's ministries, and spiritual growth classes. We marry them, bury them, celebrate their anniversaries, pastor them through hardship and live life with them.

Giving to the local church isn't merely one good option among many. It's an imperative for every Christian.

Our church auditorium is called "the living room" because it is where our family gathers. Church truly is a family.

The church is also a hub to connect ministry services. Chances are you've connected with people on your local church staff that have the same passions you do. You know who's collecting canned goods to feed the hungry, or who coordinates the mission trips, or who volunteers to do handy work for the homes of single moms and widows.

Those people can be a great resource to help you direct your offerings (money given over and above your tithe) to organizations that best carry out the work you are passionate about.

Those pastors, staff, and volunteers also likely know quite a bit about the efficiency of the organizations you are considering giving to, and whether their administrative costs are effectively low.

They'll also know which "ministries" are actually fronts for activities that conflict with your values, and for people who would rather start a "ministry" and solicit donations from you to support their "work" than actually go out and get a job. Yes, those are out there—hundreds of them.

Churches help identify those in need.

One of my main job responsibilities is to administrater the benevolence fund at our church. It gives me great joy to represent our congregation and bless someone who really needs a helping hand.

However, as someone who deals daily with people who are expressing need and asking for help, I have some bad news for you: Many of the people expressing financial need are lying.

Some are on drugs, some refuse to work, some have chosen a lifestyle of asking for hand-outs, some are scam artists, and some are good but broken people who don't know what else to do. We love them, pastor them, offer them financial classes and an encouraging word, but we don't give them money. And you shouldn't either.

If you have someone at your church who is responsible for giving out the money that goes to people in need, they can help you disseminate money to those who should really be receiving it.

They can also prevent you from falling prey to a scam or from jumping on the latest Internet bandwagon.

Recently someone I know started a very compelling Facebook story soliciting donations for a woman our church had recently helped. Not only did the online drama not disclose that the woman had already received the help she requested, most of the details of the story posted online were false or grossly exaggerated.

And yet because our mutual Facebook friends are such good, caring, and generous people, the donations poured in. It broke my heart. I love to see people giving, but not when they are throwing money at unnecessary drama and half-truths.

Giving to the church is an excellent way to ensure that your money gets to the people most in need. Let them filter out the shifty sob stories from the genuine need so you know your gifts are going to those who truly need them.

Your church serves your community.

When a family in your church can't pay their utility bill, where do they turn for help? To their home church. And when an unchurched family in the neighborhood needs food or money for gas, where are they going to go for help? Often the local church as well.

For all the food banks and social services out there, the local church is still the first place many people turn to in times of need. And that's a blessing that we as a family of believers get to be a resource of love and compassion when people need it most.

When a family comes to me with a real need, I don't want to send them across town to stand in a line. I want to meet that need, on the spot if possible, and then be able to talk and pray with them before I send them on their way.

Because our congregation gives generously, and because our church leaders designate that a portion of all gifts go to local benevolence needs, I have the resources to meet immediate needs when the situation warrants our involvement.

Your family deserves your support.

Church, like any organization, is a give-and-take operation. If you're fed on Sunday mornings, pastored through crisis, or attend a Wednesday night fellowship dinner, you're benefitting from your church. And that's a good thing. You're supposed to benefit from your church! But those things can't happen without financial support.

That building and the land have to be purchased and maintained. The pastors and other staff need to be paid. The light bill has to be paid. Cleaning supplies, Bibles, chairs, and hymnals must be purchased. There's work to do and things to buy.

If you're volunteering, that's great. Volunteering is important. But your volunteer labor, precious as it is, doesn't keep the lights on or feed the poor.

If you're part of the family, support the family.

You don't have to choose.

Malachi 3:8 distinguish between tithes and offerings. Tithes are the gifts of the first 10 percent of our income. The Bible teaches this tithe should go to God's "house."

There are many different opinions on tithing, but I have yet to hear a convincing argument that, in our time, God's house is not the local church. Offerings are gifts over and above the tithe. This is where discretionary giving comes in.

I'll be the first to agree that we have to budget our giving. We have to be wise enough to live below our means so that we can give 10 percent, 15 percent, 20 percent, or more of our income away so that we can bless the work of the Lord in all its forms, through the ministries that matter to us.

The problem for most believers is not that they don't have enough to give, it's that they're not wisely managing what they already have so that they can be generous with others.

I believe that if we live within our means and give generously both to the local church and to outside ministries, we will have more than enough to meet our families' needs.

Luke 6:38 reminds us to "Give, and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

That doesn't mean that we give to get, or give just so God will bless us. It means living with a generous heart will be rewarded so that we can be a blessing to others. Supporting your local church will bless not only you and your family but your community as well.

Giving outside of your local church is where you get to see your specific ministry dreams come true. Giving with wisdom ends up blessing more people in more meaningful ways.

I really believe that with God's help, we can accomplish all of our goals for giving and also experience the joy Christ came to give us.

Amie Streater is the associate pastor for financial stewardship at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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An interview with IJM’s Jim Martin on churches’ current interest in justice.

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Early this year 60,000 students converged on the Georgia Dome for the annual Passion conference. The four-day event had the stated purpose of "making Jesus famous and fighting modern-day slavery." The popularity of such events attests to the white-hot enthusiasm among younger Christians for engaging justice issues. How can churches channel this excitement and help congregants, young and old, exercise their faith on behalf of "the least of these"? Nicole Unice interviewed Jim Martin, author of The Just Church (Tyndale, 2012) and vice president of church mobilization for International Justice Mission (IJM), a human rights agency that protects the poor from violence.

What's the idea behind The Just Church?

We tend to make the connection between justice and mission quite easily. But I wanted to connect justice and discipleship, too. Every pastor I know is asking, "How do I mobilize my congregation?" Most people in our churches know so much already. There's an abundance of information out there about these problems and injustices. But how can we get people to take action? And how does activism relate to personal discipleship? I've found that engaging justice issues is the most fertile ground available for helping people to grow.

You write about the need for people to engage in risk in order to grow. Do you see most churches as risk-averse?

It's a natural human tendency to insulate ourselves from risk or suffering. We crave security. But in some ways, we are creating a life for ourselves where we don't need any faith. In the Old Testament, when people repeatedly tried to set their lives up in a way that didn't require faith, this always made God angry. Many of us are in situations that require very little risk of us. The problem is, if we are risk-averse, we will become faith-poor.

How can you lead people toward risk?

Good leaders lead people to the places where their faith is most deeply challenged. That's a hard thing to do in wealthy, comfortable churches. Not only do leaders need to be encouraging people to take risks, they need to be taking risks as well. They need to be out front. When we enter into risk together, and we're taking risks for something God cares deeply about, we are forced to trust God together. And we have the opportunity to see God in bigger ways than we ever have before.

How does justice relate to a church's health?

This is a unique time in history. Because people are so aware of needs around the world, our churches have the opportunity to take leadership on issues that concern our entire communities. Building a justice ministry in your church will involve not just the adults but also youth who are passionate about this issue. Engaging in justice will alter the course of these young people's lives. But don't do it exclusively for them, because a justice ministry should include the passion and the wisdom of multiple generations.

For churches that aren't engaged in tackling justice issues, what's the first step?

Early on we (IJM) made the mistake of not providing practical ways for churches to get involved. We would go into churches, preach on the issue, and then leave without giving them a way to get traction. Since then, we've grown and established multiple ways for a church to engage.

One of the first steps is to take an inventory of your members' justice interests. Are people in your church already volunteering with local domestic violence and sexual abuse services? What are the latent skills in your congregation? Consider hosting a screening of a documentary on modern-day slavery (available at at your church. Make sure you invite people in the "latent skills" category.

Also, incorporate justice issues into your church's teaching. As pastors and leaders, when we feel convicted from Scripture, we tend to act. That's what we are good at. Let's get our people aware of the issue, but also realize that this isn't a one-time sermon. This is about changing the culture in our churches, and I believe it's a move toward the heart of God.

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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Leadership Journal Reviews

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Ministry in the Digital Age Strategies and Best Practices for a Post-Website WorldBy David T. Bourgeois (IVP, 2013)

The Facts: This is a practical guide for ministry leaders who want to hone their thinking on digital strategy. Bourgeois draws on his considerable experience in the business, tech, and ministry world to offer a broad introduction to digital engagement for ministry leaders. Topics include social media, web analytics, privacy, and security.

The Slant: This is a very strong “all in one” resource, especially if you have not had a formal digital strategy in the past. Bourgeois’s clear explanations of various tools and digital philosophies are excellent. With that said, digital natives, or those leading organizations with up-to-date digital abilities, won’t find any of this to be breaking news. Yet it’s a worth-while resource, especially for novices. Even web veterans will find one or two practical takeaways or new best practices for online ministry.—Paul Pastor

Working Wonders

Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work(Dutton, 2012)

There are no second-class Christians. We know that. We understand that God honors all vocations, not just ministry ones. It can still be a challenge, however, to help people who work outside the church see their callings as God’s work.

In Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work (Dutton, 2012) Tim Keller uses his customary insight and depth to tackle the topic, explaining God’s rich intentions for work. Keller demonstrates that work was started by God when he created the universe. Keller writes that work is for the keeping of the created order, a human necessity foundational for all societal advancements.

To see work this way is to empower people in their work whether they wear white or blue collars. Keller explains that work is designed to bring order out of chaos, and it repairs the fabric of the world. In short, it is the fulfillment of the command to subdue the earth.

It’s not all inspiration and good news though. Both the work and the workers are broken by sin. Keller addresses four main problems people encounter in their work: it becomes fruitless, pointless, selfish, or idolatrous. These are the experiences people so often think of when it comes to work, the fruitless toil and self-centered rat race. But there is hope.

Anyone who has read Keller’s previous books or heard his sermons knows he always bases his insights on the gospel. This book is no exception. Keller lays out how the gospel changes the broken reality of work by offering a new, alternative storyline. It provides a “new and rich conception of work as partnering with God in his love and care for the world.” The gospel provides a more sensitive moral compass and discernment into the human heart. And finally, the gospel changes our motives for work.

Every Good Endeavor belongs on the shelves of pastors. It also belongs in the hands of congregants where it will no doubt expand their minds and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the work God has called them to do.—Barnabas Piper

God Redeeming His Bride A Handbook for Church DisciplineBy Robert K. Cheong (Christian Focus, 2012)

The Facts: Books about church discipline don’t become bestsellers. It’s a messy topic, but absolutely necessary. Cheong encourages readers to enact discipline in a way that reflects God’s passionate love for his bride. In addition to providing a biblical and practical step-by-step guide for loving and restorative discipline, Cheong challenges readers to evaluate their own lives and to lead by example. Cheong offers hypothetical situations, case studies, and questions for reflection at the end of each chapter. He also includes appendices to guide readers through tough situations requiring discipline.

The Slant: Cheong covers an astounding range of scenarios and offers practical steps to follow. His working definition of church discipline: “God’s ongoing, redeeming working through his living Word and people as they fight the fight of faith together to exalt Christ and protect the purity of his bride.” Cheong attempts to inspire readers with a robust view of God’s passionate love for the church while challenging them to not flinch from recognizing the messiness of “gospel relationships.” Cheong believes that while we all need correcting from time to time, certain cases require intervention from church leaders. This book is filled with gracious wisdom forged in the fires of pastoral ministry. Most important it emphasizes God’s tenacious love for his bride.—Kevin Emmert

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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A Leadership Journal interview with Craig Groeschel and Kyle Idleman

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Pastors are no strangers to the concept of good things replacing God as the object of a worshiper's attention. But what does this look like when church itself is the "idol" a pastor is venerating?

Craig Groeschel and Kyle Idleman are familiar with the struggle. Each has written a new book on idolatry—Altar Ego by Groeschel and Gods at War by Idleman (both Zondervan, 2013). Leadership Journal correspondent Greg Taylor interviewed Groeschel (senior pastor of Edmond, Oklahoma based and one of the creators of the YouVersion Bible app) and Idleman (teaching pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky) for a candid take on what happens when ministry begins to supplant God.

Your new books deal with idolatry versus Christ identity. What prompted you to address this topic?

Idleman: As I've spoken to different churches recently about what it means to be completely committed to Jesus, I have found that one of the chief problems is not lack of desire, but lack of alignment. There are many Christians, myself included, who want to totally commit to Jesus. The problem is that our lives are aligned around something or someone else. The best word for that is idolatry; we're replacing God, even while we're "totally" committing to discipleship. The challenge to follow Jesus is the challenge to find our identity in Christ. Idolatry sabotages that by replacing him with something or someone else.

Groeschel: My reason is similar. Deep down, we really don't know who God says we are. What I'm trying to do in Altar Ego is to help people lay down the false images they have of themselves and replace those with their identity in Christ. We all feel insecure, inadequate. I think we can grow to see beyond that. When we know who we are, we can live into God's true calling.

You both preach to thousands of people. You're insecure?

Idleman: Yeah, it's pretty easy to feel insecure, whether you're in front of three people or 3,000. I remember struggling with this in the first church I ever preached at. There were only like 30 people, but it was hard on me. I'd have old ladies tell me that I kept my hands in my pockets too long, and other people critique my delivery. It became overwhelming.

Groeschel: I don't know any pastors who don't battle with insecurity at one time or another. I've done this for 20 years, and I'm still overcoming my fears about what people think of me. Being a pastor can breed insecurity, and we have to find our identity in Christ just like anybody else.

There's also a special danger that pastors face in this area. Sometimes we'll start to find significance in results or in what people think about us, instead of in our identity and calling. We can get obsessed with the thoughts of others. That's the quickest way to forget who you really are.

Social media makes it even easier to get caught up with what people say or think about me. I can see what people are saying about a sermon on Twitter. I can count the "likes" of an Instagram picture. I can hope for comments on nuggets of Facebook wisdom. Before long we find ourselves managing our public persona instead of developing our private devotion to Christ.

Idleman: That's especially true for those of us who really feel our love for the congregation. We want to be liked by people, and when they do we interpret that liking as "doing a good job as a pastor." Then, if those feelings aren't there, we feel like we're failing, when in the big picture, we're not.

What does insecurity lead to for pastors?

Idleman: It leads to what Ed Stetzer calls "ministry p*rnography." We start lusting over what we don't have. When we become enthralled with what they are doing, and what we're not doing, it leads to competition. If it's hard for me to rejoice over what God is doing through a nearby congregation, that says something about me.

There is a ripple effect when the church takes God's place in our lives. Being a pastor can breed insecurity, and we have to find our identity in Christ, just like anybody else.

Groeschel: Insecurity can also influence us to take credit for things we're not really doing.

Once a singles ministry that my wife and I led dropped from 100 people down to four—and two of them were us. It haunted me until I realized that in that circ*mstance, I was trying to take blame for something that was bigger than I was.

The flip side of blaming ourselves for declines is then one day taking credit for the increases. I try to remember that I can't take credit for the growth, and I shouldn't blame myself for the decline. I can control what I do, but I can't control the results. Those fall to God alone. It doesn't matter how successful whatever your corner of the world is, there's another corner that you're not as successful in.

Let's go a little more directly at this: What happens when your church becomes your idol?

Groeschel: I have to speak from personal experience. In the early years of my ministry, my church was unquestionably an idol for me. Eventually I had to do two different rounds of counseling to break out of it. I was a workaholic; my whole identity had become wrapped around what I produced. Who I was—in God's view—was withering away. I had become a full-time pastor and part-time follower of Christ.

I've made a lot of progress, but I'm not 100 percent over that. I've had to ask honest questions about why I'm driven to minister in the first place. Am I driven to please God, or to accomplish something selfish? Am I driven to reach people, or to build a church that makes me feel good?

Idleman: We can worship the god of achievement, and put our hope in what we are able to accomplish. Ultimately that always leads to disappointment. As a preacher I constantly ask myself two questions: What does God want me to say? and How will the people respond? I get into trouble when I get those out of order.

When the first thing that I consider is how people will respond, that's idolatry. That's me putting the response of people ahead of my faithfulness to what God has called me to. I think most preachers can relate to that, constantly struggling with those two questions, but we have to have them in the right order.

Okay, what are some practical indicators that your church is becoming an idol?

Groeschel: If you don't take a regular day off, that's a real good sign. Or if your family resents the church. If you are not willing to openly listen to correction or criticism about your ministry or work habits, that's a sign. If your emotions rise and fall largely based on "results," that's another indicator.

Idleman: When our church becomes an idol, we pastors have a hard time giving ourselves to people who can't advance our "cause." Our calendars morph. We begin to schedule conversations only with people who we feel advance our cause of growing the church. Our questions of church members center on what they can give to the church. We begin to forget "the least of these." Eventually, we begin to get frustrated with people in the church; they seem like obstacles to our goals, rather than the people we're called to love and serve and pour our lives into. We start to act as if they're in our way.

Groeschel: Yes, like they are just tools to build "our vision" instead of people to love.

How do you break that mindset?

Groeschel: You have to be intentional. It's so easy to let the work of God replace your own intimacy with God. There were years I did that, and it's still a temptation. Starting with honesty about our weaknesses and vulnerabilities is vital. Through that we're able to say, I'm a Christian first—I'm a child of God first—not a pastor first.

My identity is not in my church calling. My identity is as a child of God, and I must really drive that into my heart, over and over again until I can really believe it and live out of it instead of the opposite.

Bill Hybels said it well: "The way I was doing God's work was destroying the work of God in me." When I first heard that, it pierced my heart. That was me. We have to fall in love with God's Word, be strengthened through prayer, have genuine Christian community where we are truly open and do life with others. Sometimes as pastors we let those life-changing basics slip.

Idleman: It's the Mary and Martha story. Martha was being distracted by doing many things, and Mary was choosing what is better by being with Jesus. We need to cultivate the determination and intentionality to constantly choose what is better.

How transparent are you with your churches about this? Do you publicly confess to them that you struggle with idolizing the church?

Idleman: I try to model repentance and brokenness by talking about my challenges or my struggles. But to me that's different than letting the church listen to me pray a prayer of repentance before I preach, or to see brokenness because I know I'm talking about something that God convicted me of personally before I got up there to preach on it.

I think it's more than just being honest with a story of something "unphotogenic" that happened in my home. I certainly think that can be good, but I think that we need to go further.

Groeschel: I was trained in seminary not to be transparent. They called it "guarding the pastor's mystique." That was one of the most dangerous teachings that the older generation passed along. It was wrong. If you are not being transparent, you are not going to reach this generation today. You have to be authentic. We have to struggle and be vulnerable in front of the congregation.

Let's move outside of the pastor's inner life. How does a pastor's church idolatry impact those close to you?

Idleman: There is a ripple effect when the church takes God's place in our lives. I talked about "alignment" before, and this comes back to that. It's like getting the top button on a shirt wrong … you get that one wrong and all the others are off; but if you get that one right all the others line up. When God isn't in his rightful place the rest of the buttons in our lives are not aligned.

I was trained in seminary not to be transparent. They called it "guarding the pastor's mystique." That was one of the most dangerous teachings that the older generation passed along.

Our families start to find that when attendance is up we are up, and when attendance is down we are down. This is why some people have such a hard time stepping away from being the pastor of a church. Their whole identity is found in their position. They own it … and the staff feel like they're being led by a dictator rather than a shepherd.

As Craig mentioned earlier, church idolatry brings out obsession with the numbers, which leads to competitive relationships with other churches and other leaders. We become consumed with our statistics at the cost of our people.

Groeschel: It's not uncommon to have family members resent the church because the church gets the best of their parent or spouse. Even when physically present with their family, he or she might not be emotionally present and engaged.

Idolatry can also alienate staff members because they feel they're seen as only a tool to help achieve the minister's goals instead of as people to love and develop.

Let's come back to where we started, to this idea of pastoral insecurity. What practical steps do you personally take to hang on to God's view of you?

Idleman: Well, this is a constant struggle for pastors. Insecurity for me isn't as much about how I perceive people viewing me, my personal insecurity comes more from my own view of me. Whichever you struggle with, the answer is to die to self. Then the challenge (since this is so internal) is to find how you're going to make that part of your life.

A few years ago, I was really struggling with this. I ended up going into the garage, grabbing a can of black spray paint, and painting the classic words from the Apostle Paul on my closet wall: I DIE DAILY. For me, every time I saw my indoor graffiti, it summed up my challenge.

Groeschel: To be honest, it's not easy to overcome people pleasing and focus solely on what God thinks. Social media can get to me, so one thing I do is avoid social media during ministry times. I may tweet something, but I won't look for retweets or comments. This keeps me more focused on God rather than being distracted by what people think.

As well, I have a routine before preaching of closing my eyes and reflecting on my moment of salvation. I think about where I was, the prayer I prayed, and how God changed me. Then I walk through different verses in my mind reminding myself of who I am in Christ. I am not who others think I am. I am who God says I am. I am his child. I am loved, secure, and accepted through Christ. I am filled with his Spirit, an overcomer by his blood and my testimony. I am called, set apart, and chosen. I can do everything he calls me to do.

To me, this kind of prayer matters most. If I am praying consistently as I minister, this reminds me that what I am doing is for God and from God. When my prayer life slips, it's so much easier to do things for the wrong reasons. A disciplined life of prayer helps me keep my eyes on Christ and off of the approval of people.

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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Wayne Cordeiro and Francis Chan

There’s more going on than clashing personalities.

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A friend of mine recently changed careers after being in pastoral ministry for nearly a decade. I asked him how his new job was going. "Really well," he said. "These days, people get mad at me only once or twice a year. When I was in pastoral ministry, it seemed like someone was mad at me every other day."

I understood. I can still see the parents of a teenager, in my office crying because their son was walking down the wrong path. They were desperate for help, expecting and even demanding that I intervene in their son's life. "Why doesn't this church offer a better youth group?" they screamed.

I remember an angry keyboardist, frustrated that our church's worship team was not using him "to his full potential." He expected a prominent role in the worship service, and his expectations were not being met. "I really think the worship here should better utilize people," he said.

I can picture a man offering to donate computer equipment to the church "but only if it was going to be well used." Another man gave $65,000 to the church but kept pulling on invisible strings, demanding that it be used as he directed. Three weeks later, after sleepless nights of wrestling with his demands and threats, I had our accountant write a check for $65,000, and I gave it back to the demanding donor.

These frontline stories of pastoral work are endless. How do we handle people's expectations, learn to get over them or live with them, or even learn from them? There are times when we even sense that these expectations come from God. What do we do then?

The key is to learn to listen to God and to let our vision flow from there. This often involves developing some thick skin, while still keeping our sensitivity to the real pain and needs of people. Every effective leader must learn to live with the very people who frustrate them until they no longer do. When you become a leader, you can never again get angry in public. The challenge is to stay balanced when criticized, to avoid taking the criticism personally yet to avoid becoming calloused or cynical. We are called to a paradox of personalities: sensitive but not easily offended, empathetic but not weak, flexible and yet filled with convictions.

You're not making me happy

The common theme running through all of the stories I related can be summed up best in a single word—disappointment. That's the root of all these unwarranted expectations, criticisms, and crises. Someone wants help and is not getting the help they want; someone needs a problem solved and the problem is not going away; someone is hurting and not getting any relief. It can all be summed up by the feeling of disappointment.

We shouldn't be surprised by any of this. We live in a fallen world, and it makes sense that if life is not working as it is supposed to work, people would turn to the church to relieve that sense of disappointment, to get help. Yet the reality is that neither a church nor a pastor can satisfy every person's disappointment.

I have known pastors who fall into this trap all too often. They wrongly believe that it is their job to make people happy. So they run themselves ragged trying to cater to the needs of people, or they push their staff to do this. It may sound strange, but there is a sense in which I can truthfully say that the church does not exist to help people. Our job is not to solve their problems or alleviate their disappointments. The primary reason the church exists is to worship God and to point people to Christ, the ultimate solution to their problems. Our work should draw attention to the one who has saved us, the one who has given us hope in place of our disappointment.

We do ourselves a disservice any time we position ourselves as the ultimate answer to people's problems.

In our well-meaning attempts to promote Christianity as the answer to everything, we sometimes overpromise when we present the gospel. We want churches to be happy places, so we end each service on a high note, giving the impression that happy feelings always come from church. Or we want to help everybody we meet, so we have churches filled with broad spectrums of ministries for every conceivable need, but we end up doing many things poorly rather than fewer things well. The answer to all of this is to strip down the gospel to its essence: mankind getting right with a holy God.

With that in mind, we may need to help people understand the following truths if we want to help them develop realistic, healthy expectations about the church and the role and abilities of those in leadership:

  • Church will not always make you feel comfortable.
  • Church will not be the answer to your every need.
  • You will sometimes not like what happens at church.
  • You might leave a service unhappy once in a while, particularly if you are seeing yourself in light of God's righteousness.
  • If you are a single person, going to church will not guarantee you a spouse.
  • Going to church will not guarantee that your children will not rebel.
  • Going to church is not the answer to all your financial problems.
  • You might not get along with everybody you meet at church.

Disappointment with God

If the ultimate solution to the disappointments our people experience is pointing them to Christ, letting him be the Great Physician in their lives, then once we have done this, disappointment takes on a different nuance. Now, if people are disappointed, they are ultimately disappointed with God.

For the teenager's parents crying in my office, so sad that their son is walking the wrong path, so desperate for help from the church, so expectant and even demanding that I intervene, the one who has really disappointed them is God. They prayed about the situation. They begged God to intervene. So where is God? He is the one they are upset with.

When people come to us with their frustration, sharing their pain and disappointment with us, we need to dig beneath the layer of the immediate concern. When those parents are crying in my office (and I am crying with them), what they are ultimately expressing is that they are frustrated that God allows people to make bad choices—in this case, their son.

The real work of a pastor is not to try to solve their problems, particularly when pathways to immediate solutions have already been suggested and are not being heeded. The answer is not to ratchet up the youth program, or to drop everything and help chase a rebellious teenage son, or to lock him in his room until he turns 30.

Rather, the real work of a pastor is to help give the parents a clearer sense of who God is, that God is good no matter what they are experiencing right now, that he desperately loves their son even to the point of allowing him to make poor choices. The real work of a pastor is to help people come to grips with God's goodness, even though we often do not understand his ways.

Picture the angry keyboardist, so frustrated that our church's worship team was not using him to his full potential, so hurt his expectations are not being met—his real disappointment is with God. Did the keyboardist not ask God to give him a greater ministry on the worship team? Why did God say no?

The wise church leader does not immediately cater to this man's demands and promise that he will be used more regularly on the worship team if that is not the best option. The wise leader will help this man see a righteous God contrasted with the prideful heart of man. Again, the ultimate work of a pastor is not to assuage this man's disappointment and solve his scheduling problem or his need to be in greater demand as a musician. It is to offer him a clearer sense of the character of God.

An Invitation to Lament

When you encounter people's unreasonable expectations of you as a leader, one very practical and biblical response is something we find modeled in the Psalms and in the ministry of Jeremiah and throughout much of the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament.

This response to disappointment, to unanswered questions and unresolved tension, to the pain and suffering people bring to us is inviting them to lament.

This means that when a person comes to you, and the problem cannot be solved, you point them to Jesus and invite them to honestly pour out their heart to the Lord. We know that God is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:3). When we lament, we acknowledge that God is good and sovereign, yet life is not as we would like it to be.

We find validation for our grieving in our lamentation. We learn that our emotions are permitted, that it is right to express them, even when those emotions include anger at injustice. The biblical form of lamenting allows people to feel and express the discomfort and disappointment they experience living in an imperfect world.

When you invite people to lament, you are acknowledging that you, as a church leader, are with them in their journey, and you empathize with what they are going through. You do not try to cheer them up. You do not try to fix all their problems. You allow them to feel the hard truth, the raw emotion of the problem or circ*mstance. And you point them to God.

David cried out to God. So did Jesus, who prayed with "loud cryings and tears to the one who was able to save him from distress." God himself did this with Job. After Job had lost his family, his health, his housing, his reputation, and his livelihood, God did not wipe away every tear, at least not at first.

God did not try to make things all better. God did not offer Job any solutions to his problems. God did not crank up the ministries at the local church to help Job recover the things he had lost.

God simply pointed Job to the realities of the moment: that Job was a man, and that God was God. He allowed Job to lament, to call out in distress, and then God pointed him to facts that he could not fathom. It is perhaps the best example of pastoral ministry ever recorded.

Remember, seldom are your critics actually disappointed with you. They are usually disappointed with themselves, their lives, or God. You are simply a convenient target.

Wayne Cordeiro is founding pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii. Reprinted by permission from Sifted, by Wayne Cordeiro and Francis Chan (David C. Cook, 2012).

How Do You Get People to Love God? by Francis Chan

It's hard to be a church leader. We try so hard to get people to love Jesus. And when they don't, we ask why—again and again. Why don't people serve more? Why don't they give more? Why don't they share their faith? Why do they keep looking at p*rnography? Why don't they get along with each other better?

When we see shortcomings, usually our response is to work harder. Or encourage them to work harder. Maybe we can craft the perfect sermon, or perhaps in this counseling session we can say the perfect thing. (And sometimes we do need to work harder, for sure.)

But usually we need to realize a simple and yet complex truth. The ultimate work of a pastor is God's doing. We can't make people do anything. Paul's commitment in Ephesians 3:14-19 is to pray harder, and to pray for a specific thing: that people would know the fullness of God, so that people can understand Christ's love for them.

That's a difficult concept to fully grasp. No matter how hard we work as church leaders, we will never be able to get people to love God. That work comes from God by the power of his Spirit. It's a supernatural exchange. God grants the love. If a person does not truly understand the depths of God's love, you will not be able to talk the person into it. This granting is something only God can do.

Imagine it this way. When my wife, Lisa, and I lived in Simi Valley, we often had people sharing our house with us. For some time, a young woman named Rochelle lived with us. She was single, and, like people in the Christian community are apt to do, Lisa and I tried as hard as we could to get Rochelle married off. Seriously—we introduced her to every single guy we could find. Rochelle didn't mind, and it proved fun for the whole family. Even our kids prayed that Rochelle would get married.

But no matter what we did, there was no way that we could "make" any two young people fall in love with each other. Eventually, Rochelle fell in love all by herself. She's now married, and the couple is expecting a baby.

The same idea is at work here—you can't make anyone fall in love with Jesus, either. When it comes to Jesus and people, you can only make the introduction.

I can only tell them that God, the Creator of the world, the only God that matters, loves them deeply. More than any other human being could. God loves you so much that he gave his son to die on a cross for you. It doesn't matter how messed up you are, how much you've rebelled against him, or even how indifferent you might be to matters of the cross; God still loves you deeply. Who does this? Who chooses to die in place of someone else? What an amazing God this is!

Yes, I can make this introduction, but nothing will happen until the Holy Spirit supernaturally gives a person the ability to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. He enables people to know something they can't know. You understand God's love in your inner being. Oh, how God loves us! And for people to understand this love, it comes only through prayer.

Prayer is the first and greatest work that we do.

—Francis Chan

Reprinted by permission from Sifted, by Wayne Cordeiro and Francis Chan (Cook, 2012).

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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Kevin Miller

They’re in debt. They don’t trust institutions. But they will give generously to your church if you approach them in the right way.

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This was the largest capital campaign in our church's history, so my wife and I were asked to meet face-to-face with key leaders. As Karen and I drove to Caribou Coffee to meet a twenty-something couple in our church, I thought, This meeting may not be easy. Mark and Debbie care so passionately about social justice that they moved into the lowest-income apartment complex in our area, and they have the bedbug bites to prove their commitment. Now we'd be asking them to give, when much of their gift would go to build a new sanctuary for our suburban congregation.

We warmed up by asking what Mark and Donna thought about Sunday's sermon, in which our senior pastor kicked off the public phase of the campaign with a passionate message about God's call to Abram to "Go."

Mark was direct: "C'mon, just because God told Abram to go to a new land doesn't mean God is telling our church to buy a new building."

Hmmm. Raising money from Millennials is not going to be easy, I realized.

Modifying the traditional campaign

Church capital campaigns follow a pattern: private phase, public phase, advance-commitment night, commitment Sunday, etc. While this traditional pattern has been tested over decades, it's important to remember it was not designed by Millennials (people born roughly between 1980 and 2000). In fact, many campaigns essentially write off Millennials and assume the heavy giving will be done by Builders or Baby Boomers. This is not surprising, since Millennials have been criticized, as Drew Dyck wrote in Leadership Journal, as "restless, entitled, bloated self-esteem, desultory work patterns, twitter-sized attention spans—pick your pejorative."

But our church did not have that luxury: 80 percent of our adults are under age 40. Either Millennials got behind this campaign or we didn't have one.

So we assertively modified the traditional campaign. This led to animated conversations with our capital-campaign consultant. But that give-and-take made the campaign right for our Millennials. It made us appreciate our consultant all the more (because she was willing to adjust traditional approaches but wisely kept us from jettisoning too much). And it led to a campaign that exceeded our expectations. Here's what we learned.

1. Provide real help for people in real need.

Millennials' gift to the church, in my opinion, is their outward focus; they define greatness as serving others.

When our church bought a 50-year-old plastics factory and wanted to raise money to renovate it for a sanctuary, classrooms, and office, we got questions.

Some of our Baby Boomers worried, "Can we make a deserted factory beautiful enough to reflect our worship of God?"

Some of our Millennials worried, "Will we make our own church so nice that we hurt our ability to help people in Section 8 housing?"

Our campaign's tagline was "For the Lord, the Lost, and the Least," and Millennials were the most likely to ask about that final word.

We won over many Millennials by the undeniable fact that this factory was scrappy and that we purchased it at auction for a startlingly low price.

We also used the campaign to increase our giving to people in need. We said publicly: "We are not going to build this sanctuary on the backs of the poor and the trafficked. We are not going to ask our missionaries to live on less for the next two years. Instead, at the very time when we need every dollar for this building, we are going to boost our outward giving by 26 percent."

Millennials will dig deep as they see your church trying to "live simply so that others may simply live."

2. Dial down the hype.

Run each statement, fact, goal, or idea you plan to communicate through a brutal-honesty filter, because the Millennial generation is conditioned to distrust the institution and to question the inauthentic.

Millennials' gift to the church, in my opinion, is their outward focus. They define greatness as serving others.

For example, on our main campaign video, I didn't say, "In our rented facilities now, children's ministry is practically impossible." Instead, I said, "While not impossible to do now, it's kind of hard."

This feels counterintuitive, and you may feel you're lowering urgency, excitement, and the call to action. But authenticity is non-negotiable.

And because Millennials tend to be skeptical, it's impossible to communicate too clearly or too exactly where all the money is going.

3. Find ways for everyone to make the team.

Recently I heard a 40-something pastor mock the fact that Millennials grew up on soccer teams where at the end-of-year banquet, everyone got a trophy. But why not let that "everyone is special" dynamic work for you?

Most capital campaigns, to increase giving, create a culture of exclusivity. The private phase focuses on elite gatherings of major donors. That motivated Boomers—"I got on the elite team." It bothers Millennials. In our campaign, a few Millennials asked, "Are there secret meetings?"

So in our private phase, we insisted that gatherings include not just major givers but also major servers, people who give generously of their time.

We grew the private-phase invitation list to about a third of our entire congregation. And on advance-commitment night, we didn't restrict the event to our big givers. Instead, we invited anyone who was ready to make his or her commitment early.

Probably the simplest and best way to ensure that Millennials won't feel left out is to recruit some Millennials for your campaign leadership team.

4. Talk honestly about debt.

Debt is a fact of American life: for households with credit-card debt, the average is $15,799. But Millennials feel the vise grip of debt more painfully than most.

Average debt for graduating college seniors is more than $23,000, and recent graduates stumble in paying this back, when the only jobs they're finding are part-time, lower-paying, service-sector. Add in a car loan, and an occasional bad spending decision, and you understand why the most-common question I got during the campaign was, "I want to give, but I have a lot of debt to pay off. What should I do?"

So it's not enough to talk in glowing terms about faith and generosity and "not equal gifts but equal sacrifice." We have to talk about the realpolitik of debt.

My response to the reality of Millennials' debt and their calling to give was posted on our church blog. (See the sidebar accompanying this article.) Basically the issue is this:

Both paying off your debts and giving generously are important. Paying off your debts must be a high priority for your financial life. Having said that, I do not advise waiting until your debts are fully paid off before giving to God. You need to give for your spiritual health, for your connection to the church, and for your own dignity.

So I encouraged them to give something now. And over time, as they pay down debts, they will gain the freedom to give more.

We also asked Dawn, a thirty-something leader in our church, to give a testimony. She told how in the past year she and her husband had been hit by car repairs, an unexpected home repair, and medical bills, so they were not sure how they could give extra.

As they prayed about it, they discovered selling used boots and other items online. Many people told me they appreciated her story because it was their story, too.

5. Keep tech relational.

According to a study, 71 percent of Millennials get information about a nonprofit through web searches. As a result, many people assume the best way to motivate the giving from Millennials is through technology. But in our experience, though tech is helpful, it will not replace relationship; you still need to schedule as many face-to-face meetings as time will allow. And as you do communicate via tech (we used our church website, blog, Facebook account, and Twitter, plus we built a campaign microsite and added online giving, which we didn't have before), don't think "impressive." Think "relationship building," which for Millennials means "authentic," "fun," "simple," and "sharing of stories."

In all our tech, we invited people to tell their stories of generosity and transformation. Some people wrote brief stories; others created YouTube videos.

Our church must be one of the few left in America that does not show videos in worship services, but we got huge wins with a 14-minute video that we showed after services one Sunday. On it Jeff and Kimberly, a Millennial couple, talked honestly about their marital separation and loss of a child, and how the church had walked with them through those crises.

In another video, "Generous Giraffe," ( our artists created a fun singalong for kids. One young family visited our church for the first time because they saw the video online.

6. Set the threshold low and the participation high.

We had a financial goal, but what we emphasized more was a participation goal: "We want 100 percent of our members and regular attenders to give." To increase participation, we did two things.

First, we ran a "one-fund campaign" (as our consultant astutely advised), in which the general fund and building fund and mission fund are combined. That way, every dollar someone has been giving, or starts to give, contributes to the whole ministry. It sets the threshold low so that everyone can participate.

Second, we took the traditional gifts chart—we need so many gifts of this amount, and so many of this amount, etc.—and shifted it downward: fewer of the really big gifts, and lots more of the really small gifts.

Many Millennials think, I don't have much to give. We said, "If every college student here gives $10 a week, that would yield over $150,000."

How did we do on participation? We hit 81 percent, a little lower than we'd hoped, but we were delighted that 72 commitments came from people who had never given to our church before.

7. Wrestle your demons to the mat (Millennials can tell if you haven't).

Millennials can read you as a leader. They may not do so perfectly, but in general, their radar picks up whether you are giving sacrificially, whether you are anxious and therefore pressuring people, and whether this campaign is primarily about you.

Though they tend to distrust institutions, they will trust a leader who is honest and unafraid to be in personal contact and who will let them ask hard questions. This is impossible to do, though, if you're still anxious about whether your church is going to reach its financial goal.

To get free from that anxiety, and as a result, to gain an inner freedom that you can extend to others, comes through prayer and hearing the Word of God. I must confess that we were already into the public phase of our campaign before I got there, primarily through hearing a sermon by our senior pastor.

It also took me time to break through to the freedom of giving sacrificially. I knew the campaign was coming, months beforehand, when the Lord spoke to me about giving a number that was, for me and my wife, radical. Money is inherently self-deceptive, though, so it took fasting and prayer and conversation before we finally could give that number with unity and joy.

But once I was free from anxiety and free to obey, what a freedom I felt to pastor! With the weak I could be tender and genuinely release them from any pressure to give; with the strong, I could challenge them boldly.

And when I saw the results from Commitment Sunday, I rejoiced. It's not true that Millennials do not want to commit. It may be that we seldom ask them in ways that release their passion: to belong to an authentic community that is making the world a better place and glorifying the one who is eternal.

Kevin A. Miller is associate rector of Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.

And three pastoral answers.

A: One reason debt is such a pain is that it limits our freedom. It cuts off our choices. I believe that Christians must honor their creditors and pay off their debts: as Paul taught, "Let no debt remain outstanding" (Rom. 13:8). And Jesus teaches in Mark 7:9-13 that it's not right to use a charitable donation as a way to avoid our prior commitment to love our neighbor.

So the painful reality is that paying off your debts must be a high priority for your financial life.

Having said that, do not wait until your debts are fully paid off before giving to God. You need to give for your spiritual health, for your connection to the church, and for your own dignity.

As we heard in a sermon, "God will deny no one the honor of giving." Your giving will be lower than you want it to be right now, but over time, as you pay down debts, you will regain the freedom to give more.

A: That's normal. I believe it's in part because the Bible has several overarching themes about money that it holds in creative tension.

One biblical theme is what I would call the "Prudence" theme: work hard and prepare now for future need (Prov. 6:6-8) and provide for your family (1 Tim. 5:8).

But another biblical theme is the "Carefree" theme: don't store up treasures on earth (Matt. 6:19), give to the needy (Matt. 6:2), and don't worry about your food and clothing (Matt. 6:25-27).

How do you honor both themes? That requires a lot of prayer and conversation with wise spiritual friends and mentors. You'll know you've reached the right number, though, because it will have these three qualities.

1. It's not sparing but generous. "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2 Cor. 9:6)

2. It's not under compulsion but freely chosen. "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion" (2 Cor. 9:7). You should be able to say of your gift: "I chose this. I wanted this. I wasn't manipulated or guilt-ed into it."

3. It's not given reluctantly but cheerfully. "For God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9:7).

A: It's funny how that happens. In matters of giving, one person is usually the accelerator and the other is the brake. God must think the car needs both!

The Bible places such a high premium on unity in marriage ("the two shall become one") that I think couples should keep talking until they reach a number they both feel good about. There must be zero coercion.

This may mean that the person who wants to give less, gradually comes to accept a higher number. Or it may mean the person who wants to give more yields the right of way and accepts a lower number, knowing that this is the number that can be given with joy and with unity.

It's in this kind of decision that married people learn how to do what Paul said: "submit to one another" and to "bear with the failings of the weak."

When couples bring this spirit to "how much should we give?" they end up closer to each other.—Kevin Miller

Questions Millennials Ask about Giving

Q: I want to give to this initiative, but I have a lot of debts to pay off. What should I do?

Q: I can't decide how much to give. Part of me wants to give a large, reckless number. Another part of me knows I'll need some money for expenses coming up.

Q: What if I want to give more, and my spouse wants to give less?

This article first appeared in the November 2012 edition of Church Finance Today, a sister publication of Leadership Journal.

Copyright © 2013 by the author or Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.Click here for reprint information on Leadership Journal.

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  • Financial Stewardship
  • Generosity
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Timothy C. Morgan

Christianity TodayApril 13, 2013

The official website for Brennan Manning announced Friday that the author had died.

Page 1488 – Christianity Today (12)

He was 78 and passed away just a few days shy of his April 27 birthday. said:

It is with mixed emotions that we must tell you that on Friday April 12, 2013, our Brother Brennan passed away.While he will be greatly missed we should all take comfort in the fact that he is resting in the loving arms of his Abba.


Art & Gerry Rubino

[Gerry is his sister]

Starting in 1970 with the publication of Gentle Revolutionaries, Manning wrote and published more than 20 books. His alcoholism in the context of being a Franciscan priest was the backdrop for much of his spiritual reflection. The Ragamuffin Gospel, published first in 1990, was his most well-known work. In 2011, his memoir, All is Grace, was published in which he talked about leaving the priesthood, his marriage, and later divorce.

Last fall, Hurricane Sandy severely damaged Manning’s residence in Belmar, NJ, according to his office manager, Art Rubino.

At the time, Rubino said:

My name is Art Rubino. My wife Gerry (Manning), Brennan’s sister, and I are Brennan’s care providers.While his physical health is good, he is almost totally blind and neurological issues have severely impaired his speech and ability to move about. He has a full-time Health Aide named Richard who Gerry and I feel is a gift from God. As many of you know, Belmar, NJ has been devastated by the recent storm. The home where Brennan lived is uninhabitable and he must find other accommodations. Much of our inventory was destroyed.

In January, 2013, this information was updated:

Due to complications brought on by Hurricane Sandy, Brennan had to be moved to an extended care facility where he could get the care and attention he needed. His neurological issues have gotten worse. Please continue to pray for him.

In 2004, then associate editor Agnieszka Maria Zielinska wrote a profile of Manning, including:

When I first meet Manning, my eyes are drawn to his thick black brows, which only recently have begun to turn white like the snowy hair on his head; his thin, almost absent, lips; and the deep creases around them. He is life-weary, but his intensely blue eyes are young with eternity. Looking down, I notice a whimsicality coming from the soul of a child. His light denim jeans are cheekily patched up with colorful squares. It’s as if to remind himself and me, “Don’t think I’m a saint. I’m a ragamuffin, you’re a ragamuffin, and God loves us anyway.” In his bestseller The Ragamuffin Gospel (Multnomah, 1990), he writes that “justification by grace through faith means that I know myself accepted by God as I am.” He explains, “Genuine self-acceptance is not derived from the power of positive thinking, mind games, or pop psychology. It is an act of faith in the grace of God alone.” The jeans are a symbol, then, of faith. We sit down, and Manning tells me that there’s nothing he’d rather do than what he has done for 41 years: help sinners journey from self-hatred to self-acceptance.

He’s been there—or, to put it more accurately—he is there, traveling this road daily, never too far from a character he calls the Imposter. Everyone’s got one. It’s “the slick, sick, and subtle impersonator of my true self.” The persona craves to be liked, loved, approved, accepted, to fit in. “It’s the self that refuses to accept that my true self, centered in Christ, is really more likeable, more attractive, and more real than the fallen self.”

The Imposter has shadowed Manning all through his never-boring days: from Brooklyn, where he grew up; through one semester of journalism studies; through Korea, where he served with the Marines; the Catholic seminary—which he left after seven days because of the dreaded “rising at 5 a.m., chanting psalms in Latin with pantywaist 18-year-old postulants,” being ordered to eat beets (“which I hated”), and “stumbling up steps in an ankle-length robe unaware that I had to lift the hem”; through his service with the Franciscans in the United States and the Little Brothers of Jesus in Europe; to New Orleans, where he now lives.

Funeral arrangements have not been announced.

    • More fromTimothy C. Morgan


Paul Pastor

A public service announcement

Leadership JournalApril 12, 2013

Hi, Urthlings –

We’ve resolved the commenting issue (fingers crossed), and are looking forward to your thoughtful feedback pouring back into Ur.

Fire away!


    • More fromPaul Pastor
  • Paul Pastor


Melissa Steffan

New info on Rick Warren, Margaret Thatcher, Russia, Libya, seminary tenure, and more.

Christianity TodayApril 12, 2013

Not only does CT monitor and report breaking religion news here on Gleanings, we also do our best to update previous blog posts as stories continue to develop.

We announce updates via Twitter; but in case you’re not one of the nearly 110,000 people following @CTmagazine (and honestly, why aren’t you?), here’s what you might have missed this week:

(Editor’s note: This is not a roundup of the new blogs we posted this week, so shouldn’t replace your daily reading!)

Rick Warren’s Son Dies from Suicide

Update: Warren announced via Twitter that his son committed suicide using an unregistered gun bought over the internet.

Margaret Thatcher Obits Overlook Her ‘Devout Christian Faith’

Iron Lady once gave a significant speech deemed the “Sermon on the Mound.”

Mental Health Problems More Common Among ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’

Update: New study finds link between risk of depression and lack of church attendance.

Christian Crackdown Moves Sudan Closer To ‘100 Percent’ Muslim

Update: President’s amnesty for political prisoners includes release of Christian woman.

Blasphemy Laws Now Making Headlines in … Europe

Update: After putting plan on hold for months, Russian lawmakers are moving forward on anti-defamation bill.

Southern Presbyterians Lose Third of Members, But Amicably

Update: Recent schism at Presbyterian church isn’t keeping two congregations from sharing space.

Job Security for Bible Experts Now in Short Supply

Update: Bad news for professors seeking tenure at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Christian Exodus from Syria Raises Hopes for Resurrection in Turkey

Update: Good news for Assyrian Christian refugees.

Libya Will Release Foreign Missionaries Jailed for Evangelism

Update: Four Egyptian Christians released in prisoner exchange.

    • More fromMelissa Steffan
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.